Sunday, August 30, 2009

Uh, yeah, looks like we do...

...have to argue this one. I don't think the argument's a rational one, because anyone capable of a moment's thought would agree that the manufacture and distribution of shopping bags is probably not one of the places we want to allocate petroleum and other valuable energy sources, not when reusable bags are virtually as convenient. But the fact that the argument isn't rational doesn't mean that it's not serious or heartfelt. One reader who responded to last week's column (see the previous post) revealed a lot of what's going on here:
"This [a proposed .20 fee for disposable shopping bags] is just the latest fad for people that want to walk around feeling they're better than everyone else...So, instead of simply doing what you think is right, stick that chest way out and tell people that aren't as smart you how they have to live their lives. Better yet, get a bunch of politicians, who are also better than everyone else, to pass laws that punish people who aren't as smart as you. Because if you stop and think about it, if these people are so stupid they don't realize how much smarter you are than everyone else, they have no right to even be in this country ... Sometimes I wonder if I could make it through life, if it wasn't for all of you wonderful, caring people telling me what I'm doing wrong."
I shared this comment and a few others in this week's column.

All of a sudden we're not talking about shopping bags anymore.

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